Graduate student research


Graduate student research

Proactivity and psychological safety Work stress and well-being amongst university professors Justice and the reporting of sexual harassment. Supervisory conflict management styles Conflict with customers The job demands-job autonomy interaction

Undergraduate student


Interpersonal conflict at work and organizational support University acculturation and  job search optimism Work stress and perceptions of academic misconduct Proactive personality and behaviour Social media Smartphone use

Student publications

Huth, K. B. S., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2022, Preprint). Quantifying the evidence for the absence of the job demands and job control interaction on workers’ well- being: A Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology. doi: 0001066 Klingbyle, A. T., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2023). Conflict with customers: The limits of social support and job autonomy in preventing burnout among customer service workers. International Journal of Conflict Management. doi:10.1108/IJCMA-04-2022-0074 Chung-Yan, G. A., Adair, J. T. L., & Baher, T. (2022). Holding cybervetting to the same standards as traditional vetting methods. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15, 352-353.
Krieger, M., Chung-Yan, G. A., & Towson, S. M. J. (2016). Social Psychological Theory. In F. W. Schneider, J. Gruman, & L. M. Coutts (Eds.), Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. (3rd ed.). Sage. Moeller, C., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2013). Effects of social support on professors’ work stress.  International Journal of Educational Management, 27, 188-202. Chung-Yan, G. A., & Butler, A. M. (2011). Proactive personality in the context of job complexity. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 43, 279-286. Butler, A. M., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2011). The influence of sexual harassment frequency and perceptions of organizational justice on victim responses to sexual harassment. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20, 729-754. Chung-Yan, G. A., & Moeller, C. (2010). The psychosocial costs of conflict management styles. International Journal of Conflict Management, 21, 382-399. Maddy Blazer, PhD Student
Greg A. Chung-Yan, PhD Industrial-Organizational Psychology University of Windsor Applied Social Psychology MA / PhD Program

Ongoing Student Research


News sources and political bias The impact of social media on Human Resources Management University students Interpersonal conflict with customers Proactivity and psychological safety Coping with job insecurity Organizational policies and sexual harassment Smartphone use



Graduate student


Proactivity and psychological safety Work stress and well-being amongst university professors Justice and the reporting of sexual harassment. Supervisory conflict management styles Conflict with customers The job demands-job autonomy interaction

Undergraduate student research

Interpersonal conflict at work and organizational support University acculturation and  job search optimism Work stress and perceptions of academic misconduct Proactive personality and behaviour Social media

Student publications

Huth, K. B. S., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2022, Preprint). Quantifying the evidence for the absence of the job demands and job control interaction on workers’ well-being: A Bayesian meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology. doi: Klingbyle, A. T., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2022, Preprint). Conflict with customers: The limits of social support and job autonomy in preventing burnout among customer service workers. International Journal of Conflict Management. doi:10.1108/IJCMA-04-2022-0074 Chung-Yan, G. A., Adair, J. T. L., & Baher, T. (2022). Holding cybervetting to the same standards as traditional vetting methods. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 15, 352-353. Krieger, M., Chung-Yan, G. A., & Towson, S. M. J. (2016). Social Psychological Theory. In F. W. Schneider, J. Gruman, & L. M. Coutts (Eds.), Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems. (3rd ed.). Sage. Moeller, C., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2013). Effects of social support on professors’ work stress.  International Journal of Educational Management, 27, 188-202. Chung-Yan, G. A., & Butler, A. M. (2011). Proactive personality in the context of job complexity. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 43, 279- 286.
Butler, A. M., & Chung-Yan, G. A. (2011). The influence of sexual harassment frequency and perceptions of organizational justice on victim responses to sexual harassment. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20, 729- 754. Chung-Yan, G. A., & Moeller, C. (2010). The psychosocial costs of conflict management styles. International Journal of Conflict Management, 21, 382-399.